Monday, January 26, 2009


As our society and world continues to change and develop with new advancements in technology, it is important for us as teachers to be aware of these changes. The students that we will be teaching will have a lot more background and knowledge about technology than we will, which can be frightening, but we can keep up with them if we do a little research. Students today will get a lot more out of lessons if we incorporate technology into them.  TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. The most effective way to t each is to fulfill the needs of each knowledge. As a teacher, you cannot just come into the classroom with the ability to teach, but know nothing about what you are teaching. Also, you cannot expect to walk into a classroom with a lot of content knowledge and expect to gain the interest of the students with out new technology for them to use. These knowledges need to be used interchangeably throughout your teaching.

I learned that there are many different technological tools that teachers can use in order to accomplish the  TPACK goal that involve both pedagogy and content knowledge, such as concept mapping (kidsperation), desktop publishing software, etc. There are many wonderful tools that will help teachers reach all students on all levels.

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